The role of the ministries under the umbrella of Prayer and Worship is to assist with various duties during the mass and to help make our church environment a space where we love to worship each week. Find a volunteer opportunity that fits your personality!
Adoration Committee/Adorer
The Mary Queen of Angels Adoration Chapel is open at St. Frances Cabrini from 7pm on Sunday until 8am on Saturday. All are welcome to stop in or sign up for an hour. In order to get involved in, our committee’s main goal is to work towards having 2 or more Team Members (Adorers committed to a specific hour for the week) each hour of adoration. Their duty is to oversee that specific hour every week to keep the chapel available for any/and all adorers (anyone who visits the chapel while it is open) to come and adore whenever they can be with our Lord.
We would love to welcome you and Jesus will bless your life!
To sign-up:
For more information please contact Deacon Mark Jansen (262)334-0140.
The Mary Queen of Angels Adoration Chapel is open at St. Frances Cabrini from 7pm on Sunday until 8am on Saturday. All are welcome to stop in or sign up for an hour. In order to get involved in, our committee’s main goal is to work towards having 2 or more Team Members (Adorers committed to a specific hour for the week) each hour of adoration. Their duty is to oversee that specific hour every week to keep the chapel available for any/and all adorers (anyone who visits the chapel while it is open) to come and adore whenever they can be with our Lord.
We would love to welcome you and Jesus will bless your life!
To sign-up:
For more information please contact Deacon Mark Jansen (262)334-0140.
Altar Servers
If you are in 4th-12th grade you are eligible to be an altar server for the weekend masses. As a server you help make the mass run smoothly. If you are interested in becoming a server please contact Lindsey at 262-334-3038 or [email protected].
Below is our server training video. It is a great video to watch if would would like to see what serving is all about or if you need a refresher on what to do to be a successful server.
If you are in 4th-12th grade you are eligible to be an altar server for the weekend masses. As a server you help make the mass run smoothly. If you are interested in becoming a server please contact Lindsey at 262-334-3038 or [email protected].
Below is our server training video. It is a great video to watch if would would like to see what serving is all about or if you need a refresher on what to do to be a successful server.
We have a worship space that is over 100 years old and it takes a lot to keep it clean. Holy Angels has a small group of people that volunteer time out of their busy week to make sure the building stays a wonderful place for us to gather.
Each Thursday morning after the 7 am Mass (after the 8 am mass during the school year) our wonderful volunteers vacuum the carpets, dust the pews and the water font and clean the windows on the doors. When the candles are low the cleaners are in charge of changing them. These lovely ladies also take out the garbage generated from the weekend. They make sure the books look good in the pews and if a book cover needs to be repaired they fix it.
We even have a wonderful volunteer who comes in to clean the restrooms in the church. We sure wouldn’t be so comfortable on Sunday’s without this faithful group of volunteers. If you are able to help the cleaning crew on Thursday mornings they would love the help!
Call the Rectory at 262-334-3038 and we will help you get started.
We have a worship space that is over 100 years old and it takes a lot to keep it clean. Holy Angels has a small group of people that volunteer time out of their busy week to make sure the building stays a wonderful place for us to gather.
Each Thursday morning after the 7 am Mass (after the 8 am mass during the school year) our wonderful volunteers vacuum the carpets, dust the pews and the water font and clean the windows on the doors. When the candles are low the cleaners are in charge of changing them. These lovely ladies also take out the garbage generated from the weekend. They make sure the books look good in the pews and if a book cover needs to be repaired they fix it.
We even have a wonderful volunteer who comes in to clean the restrooms in the church. We sure wouldn’t be so comfortable on Sunday’s without this faithful group of volunteers. If you are able to help the cleaning crew on Thursday mornings they would love the help!
Call the Rectory at 262-334-3038 and we will help you get started.
For every new liturgical season (about 8 times a year) the decorations in the church change. Our crew of volunteers spend a few hours every few months changing the altar cloths, putting out new plants depending upon the season, and even setting up the cross during lent and the Christmas Trees during Christmas. Our decorators are always looking for help. If you can spare a few hours every few months, please contact Patty at 262-677-8545.
For every new liturgical season (about 8 times a year) the decorations in the church change. Our crew of volunteers spend a few hours every few months changing the altar cloths, putting out new plants depending upon the season, and even setting up the cross during lent and the Christmas Trees during Christmas. Our decorators are always looking for help. If you can spare a few hours every few months, please contact Patty at 262-677-8545.
Eucharistic Ministers
Distribute the Body or Blood of Christ at weekend and Holy Day liturgies when you are available. You will receive initial training with supplemental training's available every year. If you are interested in this ministry please contact Deacon Mark at [email protected] or at 262-334-0140.
Distribute the Body or Blood of Christ at weekend and Holy Day liturgies when you are available. You will receive initial training with supplemental training's available every year. If you are interested in this ministry please contact Deacon Mark at [email protected] or at 262-334-0140.
Do you like to welcome others or have a warm smile to share? The Greeting Ministry would love to have you and/or your family join our group as a “Greeter” before Mass! Families or individuals can participate, and all we ask is once a month you greet and welcome parishioners prior to Mass. You tell us your preferred Mass times and you pick an entrance to welcome parishioners as they enter church! It’s that simple! All it takes is a smile and a friendly “Hello!” Greeting is a wonderful way to become involved and makes all who attend Mass each weekend feel welcome at Holy Angels!
You can contact Lindsey at (262) 334-3038, [email protected] to volunteer or to learn more about this ministry.
Do you like to welcome others or have a warm smile to share? The Greeting Ministry would love to have you and/or your family join our group as a “Greeter” before Mass! Families or individuals can participate, and all we ask is once a month you greet and welcome parishioners prior to Mass. You tell us your preferred Mass times and you pick an entrance to welcome parishioners as they enter church! It’s that simple! All it takes is a smile and a friendly “Hello!” Greeting is a wonderful way to become involved and makes all who attend Mass each weekend feel welcome at Holy Angels!
You can contact Lindsey at (262) 334-3038, [email protected] to volunteer or to learn more about this ministry.
Proclaim scripture and the prayers of the faithful at weekend, daily, and/or Holy Day liturgies. If you are interested in this ministry please contact Lindsey at 262-334-3038, [email protected].
Proclaim scripture and the prayers of the faithful at weekend, daily, and/or Holy Day liturgies. If you are interested in this ministry please contact Lindsey at 262-334-3038, [email protected].
Money Counters
The Money Counting Committee consists of three teams of parishioners and are responsible for counting the mass collections. Each team meets once every three weeks and counts the collection and prepare the bank deposits on Tuesdays. A separate team is created to count the Christmas collection.
A group of substitutes is also available in the event you cannot count on your regular week.
Please contact Barb VanderWielen ([email protected]) if you are interested in joining.
The Money Counting Committee consists of three teams of parishioners and are responsible for counting the mass collections. Each team meets once every three weeks and counts the collection and prepare the bank deposits on Tuesdays. A separate team is created to count the Christmas collection.
A group of substitutes is also available in the event you cannot count on your regular week.
Please contact Barb VanderWielen ([email protected]) if you are interested in joining.
Prayer and Worship Committee
Our Prayer and Worship Committee meets a few times a year to discuss and plan season liturgies such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, along with any special event liturgies that take place. If you would like to help plan our liturgies so they run smoothly then contact Lindsey at 262-334-3038 or [email protected].
Our Prayer and Worship Committee meets a few times a year to discuss and plan season liturgies such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, along with any special event liturgies that take place. If you would like to help plan our liturgies so they run smoothly then contact Lindsey at 262-334-3038 or [email protected].
Besides our Greeters, Ushers are some of the first people that visitors come in contact with at Holy Angels. If you are able to help direct people to open pews, tell them how to get to the bathroom, as well as be available in case of an emergency then being an Usher might be right for you! All you need is a smile and an ability to be helpful. If you are interested in becoming an Usher contact Britt at [email protected].
Besides our Greeters, Ushers are some of the first people that visitors come in contact with at Holy Angels. If you are able to help direct people to open pews, tell them how to get to the bathroom, as well as be available in case of an emergency then being an Usher might be right for you! All you need is a smile and an ability to be helpful. If you are interested in becoming an Usher contact Britt at [email protected].