Giving Options
- Online - Recurring Giving or One Time Gift (Directions below)
- Weekly - You will receive envelopes so you can make weekly donations by cash or check.
- Monthly - You will receive one letter each month with a slip and envelope to return with your contribution.
- Quarterly - You will receive 4 letters a year with a slip and envelope to return with your contribution.
- Annually - You will receive 1 letter each year, usually in December with a slip and envelope to return with your contribution.
- Or you can give when you want to by mailing a check to the Parish Office or by putting it in the collection basket at Mass.
Online Giving
If this is your first time giving online, use this "Give Now" link.
If you've used our online giving before then just "Sign In"!
If you've used our online giving before then just "Sign In"!
Take a Step
How to move gradually toward giving which is: planned, proportionate and sacrificial.
- Find your household income on the chart (combining amounts if necessary).
- Move across on the same line to find the amount you currently give weekly in the envelope.
- Move straight up the chart to find what percentage of your income your current gift to the parish represents.
- Please consider taking a step by pledging at the next level. For example if you are presently giving 2% to the parish, consider pledging 2.5% or even 3% now.
- Consider setting your eventual goal at the Biblical tithe of 10% (5% to the parish and 5% to other charities). It may take a few years to get there, but this is a worthy and rewarding goal for all on the road of discipleship.
*You are asked to give an equal percentage to other charities (for example – if you are giving 5% to the parish, give an additional 5% to other charities for 10% total giving). Other charities might include food pantries and other programs for the poor, missions, Catholic Stewardship Appeal, United Way, Saint Francis Seminary, etc.
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